Essential High Pressure Cleaning Safety Tips
October 18, 2021

High pressure cleaning is one of the best ways to clean large areas quickly and efficiently. Pressure washing machines work in a simple way. However, the risks associated with pressure washing machines can be catastrophic including death. But, thankfully, pressure cleaning injuries are 100% preventable.

So, today, in this article, we’ve put together the essential high pressure cleaning safety tips to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. Let’s have a look at them!

1. Read The Manual of Pressure Washing Machine

Knowing how the high pressure cleaning machine works and how to use it is the first step in the proper pressure washing operation. So, take your time to read the user manual of the machine from front to the back, before you start using the pressure washer. The user manual should contain everything you need to know about the machine like machine operational instructions, technical specifications, safety warnings and precautions.

2. Clear The Cleaning Area

Before you start your high pressure cleaning process, clear any obstructions and possible tripping hazards from the cleaning area. This step will help you to reduce the chances of accidents such as slips and falls. Establish a safety perimeter around the cleaning area where you’re going to do the high pressure cleaning, make sure that no person (especially children) or animal is able to enter the area. If possible, have someone to keep watch while you’re doing the pressure wash. So, when your watcher sees someone approaching, they can alert you, which gives you the time to turn off the pressure washer.

3. Make Sure to Wear Safety Gears

Most of the high pressure cleaning related accidents can be prevented if you wore protective gear. We might have even seen friends or co-workers using a pressure washing machine while wearing sandals or shorts, which is not right. So, here are a few of the basic safety gears a pressure washer operator should wear:

  • Safety Goggles – The highly pressurised water can dislodge debris that can shoot off and hit you or somebody else. Therefore, it’s important that you wear eye protecting safety goggles that protect your eyes from flying debris. If you don’t have safety goggles, you can wear shatter-proof sunglasses.
  • Hearing Protection – Some high pressure cleaning machines can be incredibly loud, especially the gas-powered models. Constant exposure to these kinds of sounds can adversely affect your hearing. So, make sure to wear hearing protection gear such as earmuffs or earbuds to protect your hearing from the high decibels.
  • Work Gloves – One of the most common injuries associated with pressure washing is when the hand accidentally gets hit by the water jet. Wearing sturdy work gloves help you protect your hands from injuries, and also improve your grip, so, the chances of you accidentally letting go of the pressure washer gun will be reduced.
  • Long Pants – Just as protecting your eyes from the debris, you also need to protect your legs from the same hazards. The flying debris could pierce your skin. So, wearing long pants protects your legs from flying debris as well as from accidental contact with the jet.
  • Steel-Toed Boots – Always, make sure to wear closed shoes or steel-toed boots when you are doing high pressure cleaning. The water spray from a pressure washer is powerful enough to cut through rubber and leather shoes. So, protect your toes with steel-toed boots.


These simple but effective high pressure cleaning safety tips will keep you out of harm. There is just no need to put yourself at risk on a Sunday while pressure washing your house. And, also you can always hire a professional high pressure cleaning service provider for your pressure washing requirements.